Since 40 years, AUREL is leader in thick film technology.
AUREL can design and mass produce Thick Film Hybrid Circuits on Alumina ( Al2O3) and on Aluminium Nitride (AlN) on complex geometry substrates, also provided with laser made metal coated pass-thru holes.
Alumina subtrate high thermal and mechanical stability is extremely suitable for chip & wire components.

Using last generation screen printing machines, AUREL can reach a very high integration density (net lines up to 150um) providing a very high reliability on the products.
Thick film technology is one of the most efficient technologies to assemble electronic circuits, offering the following possibilities:
- Very dense interconnection nets on thermically conductive substrates
- Low cost multilayer structures
- High performance resistors via screen printing
- Full functional trimming of assembled circuits in automatic stations
- High circuit integration levels
Thick film Technology versatility is offering economical solution in several application fields:
- automotive – avionics
- consumer products – information technology
- sensors – biomedical
- telecommunications, research
AUREL is able to design and product many type of thick film hybrid circuits, for the most several application:
- Single in Line hybrid circuits (SIL)
- Dual in Line hybrid circuits (DIL)
- Double face hybrid circuits
- Double face hybrid circuits with plated holes
- Radio Frequency hybrid circuits
- Hybrid circuits for power applications
- Hybrid circuits for power applications
- Hybrid circuits with Die components
- Hybrid circuits with mixed technology
- Multilayer hybrid circuits
- Thick film sensors and remain resistive
- Protection and encapsulation of the hybrid circuits
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